The mcrypt extension is missing on Ubuntu 14.04 2014/09/16 Ubuntu + PHP Development Environment 2013/02/02 AWS + EC2 + ELB+ CodeIgniter remote ip address problem 2013/01/16 Connecting CodeIgniter (PHP) to Microsoft SQL Server on Ubuntu 2012/05/15 nginx, php-fpm 상태 확인하기 2012/05/09 [PHP] Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server from CodeIgniter in Ubuntu using mssql_connect() 2012/04/24 [AWS] Amazon EC2 설정 2012/04/11 nginx + php-fpm 에서 xdebug 동작 안하는 문제 2012/03/29 PHP multi process - pcntl 2011/05/16 [~2010/11/5] 함께 꿈을 이루어가실 스마트폰 앱 개발자분을 모십니다. 2010/10/22